First Church of the Nazarene

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    November 2017

    February 21, 2018

    As we begin our trip in earnest into the Fall season, there is much for which we can be grateful.  First we made it through October.  I don't recall a more jam packed October.   We have made our way through the Sermon on the Mount and let there be no doubt it was a difficult trek at times.  As our video teacher, Pastor Tara Beth put it, this part of the book of Matthew is "severe".   What is the Kingdom of God like?  Who is in and who is not in?  What does it take to get in the Kingdom of God?  These questions and many more we answered.  One question we did not address very directly though is one we will look at in November.  Our key verses will be Matthew 9:35-38.


    What happens once we are in the Kingdom of God and why does it matter?  To that end we are sending a disaster response team to Orange, TX to bring relief, rebuild homes, encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ who have lost so much, and to help jump start the church intentionally reaching back into the community again.  They are weary and worn from surviving such an ordeal like they have never seen before, and they need our love and encouragement. 


    We will have our Mission promise convention the first Sunday of November.  This will fund our missions department and help keep our focus on the mission of the Kingdom of God.  This puts the Gospel in forbidden places via radio and internet, this helps build churches around the world, this helps keep missionaries on the field, this helps educate our kids and youth so they will be sensitive to the call of God on their lives, and this helps us reach out into our local community to be Jesus hands, feet, compassion and strength here at home. 


    Then we will engage in operation Christmas child which places the Gospel and even an awesome tangible gift in the hands of children, literally all over the world.  We will share our Thanksgiving soup and sandwich meal together, gather around the shoeboxes to pray for their successful journey and send them on their way.  Bring someone to share this meal and this missional moment. 


    We will end November with a call to turn our hearts toward Advent.  Kennedy and Sidney Brown will be here to set our hearts to anticipation of the celebration of the greatest gift ever given, the Christ child! 




    Oh yes, those key verses in Matthew, what are they...Matthew 9:35-38 (NLT)
    35  Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness (Good Deeds).  36  When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.  37  He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.  38  So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”


    This is what happens once we are in the Kingdom of God, why it matters, and the reason we will have done all these things in November.  Come join us in Jesus' mission!

    Pastor David